Alphabet Soup for the Soul, Part 5
WEEK 5: ה/Hei is the unseen wind, sensed in spaces where faces meet, minds wonder, lips quiver with curiosity, and breath whispers, ‘come...

Alphabet Soup for the Soul
WEEK 4: ד/Dalet opens the door to change, where the plow of desire and seeds of curiosity hit the soil of earth in the field of dreams,...

Love like a Camel, the Third Letter
WEEK 3: ×’/Gimel is generosity, steady, sustainable acts of loving kindness overflowing from one to an other. WORD: Generosity,...
Alphabet Soup for the Soul
WEEK 2 - ב/Beit houses discernment, night and day, good and evil, together and alone, life and death, curse…and blessing. WORD:...
Alphabet Soup for the Soul
Going to try something a little different for the next 22 weeks. Let me know what you think. Alphabet Soup for the Soul: What does...

A new moon song
Looking ahead to a new lunar month, Elul. Interpreting Psalm 81: A Psalm to Sing Again and Help us Gather-in Harninu – Why not? Why not...

A song for the climb
The 5th moon of Av waning. Snow appeared on the pass this morning. The descent into memory and loss has hit bottom and rebounded. The...

What's Black and White and Makes you Run the Other Way?
What is black and white and makes you run the other way? Just came within five paces of a skunk, a white skunk. At first I thought it was...

36 Day and Counting Up with the Omer
Week Six: Connection / Yesod Day 36. Do not delight in issuing judgments or rulings. In the kabbalistic practice of linking the weeks of...
Colorado COunting COntinued
Day 3. Consciously arranged speech requires thinking before you speak. Before opening your mouth clarify for yourself the following...