Birds and leaves
Making music
It’s a breeze
Joys and pains
Of all the songs that
Heart strings can play
From Breath to Word
words birthing worlds
Renewing life, now it’s our turn
Baruch she’amar v’hayah ha’olam …baruch hu
Baruch oseh v’reisheet …baruch shemo
Waves of life
Up from the deep
Rolling in time they
Sound out the beat
Why am I here?
What can I say?
Why so much fear?
From breath to word
Words birthing worlds
Renewing life, not it's our turn
Waking the love
I have to give
Voicing melodies
Longing to live
Now that’s a blessing
When the voices sing
Echoing the One
Thy will be done
From heart and mind,
of lips and tongue
Hand in hand, our prayer is sung.
...This song/poem is based on a piece of morning liturgy, baruch sh'amar, that ushers in (or finishes off, in Sphardi tradition) the daily recitaiton of morning psalms.
Pull up a chair.
How do you jumps start the songs of the day?
How do we honor the constant, present process of creation happening right now,
with the meager (and miraculous) tool of speech?
"Sing unto the One a new song!"