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Psalm 11 -- finding grace in every face

Psalm 11 – That Love is Victorious / זהירות

In Loving Awareness, I take refuge.

How can you say to my nefesh-soul, “Take flight, off to your mountain top!”

Leaving wounded outcasts to bend the bow, pull the strings, fling its arrows?

With the secure foundations of love in ruins, what’s a tzaddiq to do?

This is Your sanctuary, this Your heavenly palace,

High among sun and moon, clouds and wind, Your throne,

Judging from on high, Your place not mine,

Seeing, probing, eyeing humankind.

Find and foster Grace in righteous and unrighteous alike,

Uprooting a hatred in the heart that craves havoc,

Lest it rain flaming coals and putrid sulfur,

And winds of fury leave cracks in our cup, of love, of joy.

In Loving Awareness, I take refuge.

Because Justice knows her well

And acts in Love’s name.

Onward! Your Presence in each face. Look! See.

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